Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions



Poly - dT

a) Bucci, S., Crippa, P.R., de Munari, G.M., Guidi, G., Manfredi, M., Tedeschi, R., Vecli, A. and Podini, P. Hyperfine Interaction, 1979, 6, 425. b) Bucci, C. in  Muons and Pions in Material Research, ed. J. Chappert and R.T. Gryszpan, Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. 1984.

Reaction: PolydT + Mu ® MuPolydT

Type of reaction: addition

kM = (14.3 ± 2) x 109 dm3mol-1s-1

kH – unknown

KIE – not available

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