Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions




 Reaction: Uracil + Mu ® Mu adduct

Type of reaction: addition to C=C bond with Mu at C(5) or C(6)

a)      Barnabas, M.V., Venkatsewaran,K and Walker, D.C.
         Can. J. Chem., 1989, 67, 120

b)      Barnabas, M.V. and Walker, D.C.
         Can. J. Chem., 1991, 69, 1252.

kM = 6 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1                            at pH = 7.0  ref a)

kM = 4.3 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1                         at pH = 1.0  ref b)

KIE = kM / kH = 6 x 109 / 3.8 x 108 = 16      at pH = 7.0

KIE = kM / kH = 4.3 x 109 / 3.8 x 108 = 11   at pH = 1.0

kH = 3.8 x 108 dm3mol-1s-1



Muonium reactions in the micellar systems

kM = 6 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1 in the CTAB micelles

from: Barnabas, M.V. and Walker, D.C., Can. J. Chem. 1999, 69, 1252.

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