Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions






Percival,P.W. and Schueth,J, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys,2002, 4, 586.


Reaction : 1,4-C6H4(OH)2 + Mu ® 1,4-C6H4Mu(OH)2

Type of reaction :addition to benzene ring

kM values at different temperatures and pressures are shown in the table


T/°C P/bar kMu/1010 dm3 mol-1 s-1
35 230 1.36(19)
95 240 3.06(39)
147 242 3.14(50)
210 240 3.14(48)
252 231 3.02(54)
310 255 2.26(35)
315 235 2.21(36)
341 225 0.69(21)
60 3 1.58(19)
257 58 3.20(29)
257 110 3.30(30)
257 225 3.64(33)
257 250 3.53(29)
257 275 3.24(39)
257 275 3.05(37)
257 360 3.83(34)
257 372 3.46(32)
331 230 2.23(19)
331 380 3.04(24)
362 230 0.85(6)
362 320 2.15(13)
362 372 1.92(20)
35 1 1.40(18)
289 129 1.39(13)
25 1 1.01(13)
45 1 1.67(20)
65 1 1.88(41)
5 1 0.76(7)
25 1 1.10(8)


KIE= kM/kH = 1.1 x 109/1.3 x 109  = 8.5   at  T=298K

 kH= 1.3 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1 from: www.rcdc.nd/compilation/Hatom/HTM


Activation  volumes  DV calculated  from  the  rate  constants  at  various  temperatures.

     T[ K ]                  DV [ cm3mol-1]

     530                      -5+/-10

     604                      -70+/-20

     635                      -260+/-100

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