Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions



4-Chlorobenzoic acid

Stadlbauer, J.M., Miyake, Y., Ng., B.W., Phillips, E.C. and Walker, D.C.

Radiat. Phys. Chem., 1986, 28, 95.

Reaction: p-ClC6H4COOH + Mu ® p-ClC6H4(Mu)COOH

Type of reaction: addition of Mu into the benzene ring

kM = 8.5 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1   

KIE = kM / kH = 8.5 x 109 / 1.1 x 108 = 7.6

kH = 1.1 x 109 dm3mol-1s-1  from:

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