Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions



Chloroacetic acid

Stadlbauer, J.M., Venkateswaran, K. and Walker, D.C.
Radiat. Phys. Chem., 1997, 50, 259.

Reaction:            ClCH2COOH + Mu ® HMu + ClCHCOOH

                          ClCH2COOH + Mu ® Cl- + m+ + CH2COOH

Type of reaction: H atom abstraction and “dechlorination” (atom addition or electron transfer, followed by dissociation)

kM = 2.3 x 106 dm3mol-1s-1  at pH = 1.4 – 2 (96.3 % of undissociated acid) 

KIE = kM / kH = 2.3 x 106 / 2.6 x 105 = 8.8

a) kH = 2.6 x 105 dm3mol-1s-1  from: Anbar, M. and Neta, P. J. Chem. Soc. A. 1967, 834.

KIE = kM / kH = 2.3 x 106 / 6.5 x 103 = 300

b) kH = 6.5 x 103 dm3mol-1s-1  at pH = 0.4 – 2.0  (33% Cl abstraction)


Depending on kH accepted KIE varies from ~ 10 to 300. The last value might indicate different types of reactions for Mu and H

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