Organic Solutes in Aqueous Solutions



DNA (from herring)

a) Bucci, S., Crippa, P.R., de Munari, G.M., Guidi, G., Manfredi, M., Tedeschi, R., Vecli, A. and Podini, P. Hyperfine Interaction, 1979, 6, 425. b) Bucci, C. in  Muons and Pions in Material Research, ed. J. Chappert and R.T. Gryszpan, Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. 1984.

Reaction: DNA + Mu ® DNA Mu

Type of reaction: addition

kM = (4 ± 1) x 109 dm3mol-1s-1   

KIE = kM / kH = 80

kH = 5 x 107 dm3mol-1s-1  from:  Bucci, C. et al., ibid.

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